Physics Playground
Animation Competition (2020) - 3|Thirty
WAnimate runs an annual competition for anybody to create an animation in response to the revealed key word, in 2020 this word was "key". The general theme of the animation is kinetic expression of physics reacting in various different ways, depending on the trajectory ahead.. It was initially intended to solely use physics simulation for the ball, since I'd already spent time with MassFX & roughly had a good idea of how to use it, & though I was successful at using it in some instances, the unpredictable nature of the simulation meant some outcomes could not be achieved this way...
The first stage was to gather up lots of image references after doing some brainstorming for what would be needed for this physics environment...
Next, I created a 2D layout for how things should be arranged, the scale for each element, to gauge how much space I had to play with, and lastly, to calculate roughly the trajectory throughout...
Realism was of high importance, hence why depending on physics simulation as much as possible was important.. The area which failed the most spectacularly with the simulation were the cards, the best it could achieve was essentially an explosion effect, not exactly what I had in mind !!
After a lot of playing around with layout options, it was now time to put things into motion! I knew a lot of work was still ahead, though I was thrilled to have gotten this far since it meant my ideas were now truly taking shape.. I later realised due to time limitations, some of my ideas had to be culled before proceeding, though most made it through to the polish stage...
Animation Frames